I offer experience in the classroom using technology to create 24/7 learning environments. Students of all ages should be able to learn any subject today right where they are - online, on their mobile devices, at a coffee shop, and in the classroom.
Please look around and check out my resume, my writings from CNN, and my portfolio.
Master's in Education - Instructional Technology
I graduated from the University of Georgia with a 4.0 GPA. Coursework included project management, instructional design, and planning for technology. My coursework used project-based learning, and my portfolio reflects that.

Owning your own domain
A presentation for Georgia's educational technology conference

Wiki in another class
A wiki site I used to support another teacher with technology integration. Students wrote essays and reviewed each others's work.

Digital Picture Frame
An old laptop that I gutted and loaded with Linux and put inside a shadow box that cycled images from a network folder. The little guy in the photo is now eight.

The SWD Palm Project
My classroom project using mobile wireless devices. Students created content, evaluated web sites, and unleashed themselves from learning solely through textbooks and chalkboards.

A webquest on the Holocaust
A web site that asks students to be witnesses to one of the darkest periods of world history, using a guided tour of the Internet's Holcaust archives.

Instructional Design: Lens Selection
An online unit that enabled engineering students to learn how to select a lens for a digital imaging system.
Videos from CNN
At CNN Student News, I wrote and produced video segments in addition to providing curriculum content.

Underused words
A video list of Wayne State University's top ten underused words.

The future of science teaching
Interviews on the Next Generation Science standards. There's a lot of hands-on activities in the standards, but an astronomy professor warns that students will still have to study.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities
An explainer on Historically Black Colleges and Universities in America. It's not my voice under the video, but I wish it was.
Listen in as CNN interviews me on the future of science teaching
Read my articles for CNN's education beat

The science class of the (not too distant) future (with video)
Homebound student learns via Skype (with video)
A majority of states set different benchmarks by race (with Nick Valencia, CNN)
Overheard on "Wish my job was limited to 296 minutes per day!"
In Chicago, longer school day for students, but not for teachers
M.Ed | Instructional Technology
University of GeorgiaCoursework included planning for technology, project management and instructional design. Most of the coursework was project-based learning, which is reflected in my portfolio.
B.S. | Biological Sciences
Rutgers UniversityCoursework included chemistry, physics, biology and computer programming
Curriculum writer
CNN- Provided curriculum for
- Developed online learning activities for CNN’s “In America” series and other documentaries
- Wrote stories for's education beat, Schools of Thought
- Edited outside contributions for Schools of Thought submitted by global education leaders
- Served as technology liaison for Leadership Unplugged, an annual leadership program for high school students
- Conducted focus groups of teachers from around the country to guide our programming decisions
- Primary author of the CNN Challenge, a weekly online current events quiz
Science teacher
Southwest DeKalb High School | DeKalb County School System- Taught AP biology, biology for Magnet/high achievers program, and anatomy & physiology classes
- Adapted new technologies and software into instruction, including online lessons, student response systems, and wireless mobile devices
- Taught a state-mandated, 50-hour technology course (InTech) to other educators that encouraged them to incorporate productivity software and the Internet in their lessons
- Led a team of sixteen teachers to increase student achievement and help 9th grade students transition into high school
- Provided in-house educational software training to teachers using the Train-the-Trainer model
Biomedical research specialist
University of Pennsylvania (1991-1996) | Emory University (1997-2000)- Designed and conducted experiments in neuropathology and molecular biology
- Taught medical students and other colleagues in various lab and brain autopsy techniques
- Co-authored five peer-reviewed journal articles

Contact info
- Name: John Martin
- Address: Roswell, GA
- E-mail:
- Phone:770-220-0231